Webinar 2 Nov: Employee Engagement

Tuesday 7th January 2025

Webinar with HR Star and BCarm

Attracting and retaining staff is one of the top issues on most business agendas right now. Whether it's to enable growth or fill in gaps, it is a challenge in these post-Covid/Brexit times.

Employee Engagement, according to leading authority Gallup, is a key driver for this as well as many other areas of business performance including growth (43% more), profitability (23% higher), quality (41% better) and workplace accidents (60% less).

Following our hugely popular webinar earlier this year on the Importance of Employee Engagement, we are running another webinar with our HR Partner, HR Star to look at

• The business benefits of a highly engaged workforce
• Key drivers for employee engagement - Gallup Q12
• The value of granular employee insight
• The use of staff surveys
• How to create opportunities for engagement

Webinar Details:

Date: Tuesday 2 November 2021
Time: 11.00 am (45 mins including Q&A)
Registration is complimentary.

Audience: This webinar is useful for risk managers, company directors and those involved in managing the health and safety process in their organisation.

Please register HERE


How can we help you?

Our friendly expert team are here to help. If you have a specific question about one of our solutions or need our help assessing your company needs contact us. If you would like a meeting to understand the benefits of BCarm, schedule a time and date convenient for you here.

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